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Information Meeting Hoʻoponopono Course with Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki
Date: May 12, 2021

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Find balance in the traditional way without the new-age nonsense

Learn the true process of Hoʻoponopono as was done by the ancestors of Hawaii in our signature Hoʻoponopono Course with 50th Generation Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki

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Can you relate?

  • You doubt your intuition, you’re not sure if you’re really receiving messages from the ancestors or if it’s just your mind talking.
  • You feel overwhelmed because you observe the separation happening in society and you regret that you haven't spoken to some of your family in years.
  • You’re not sure what is true hoʻoponopono. You read a book about hoʻoponopono. But then you found out that it's not even Hawaiian.
  • You keep buying into spiritual and new-age courses but it continues to disappoint you.
  • You just wish you found a teacher, who is able to talk with you about your deepest spiritual questions.
  • You feel embarrassed for not knowing much about the Hawaiian culture even though you practice Hawaiian Bodywork (lomilomi)

You're not alone.

Even in Hawai’i, it is sometimes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff regarding the authenticity of the teachings.
When the renaissance of Hawaiian Culture took place in the ‘70s it was hard for some of the Hawaiian elders to connect with traditional teachings without being tainted by western spirituality or new age such as Lemuria.

Because of the ban on the Hawaiian language and the political and religious changes in Hawai’i, many practitioners went underground.

These days, many people yearn for the real deal, the truth, the authenticity of traditional Ho’oponopono and traditional Hawaiian Culture. We're so grateful that some lineages and kūpuna (elders) preserved the teachings in their pure form and are teaching it to our people.

Imagine you could…

Live with more aloha in your life

Heal your relationship with your family and friends and share the aloha.

Find joy through forgiveness

Empower yourself by finding reconciliation and forgiveness through the process of Ho’oponopono

Connect with the ancestors

Feel always loved and guided by your ancestors and the Higher Being through your intuition and naʻau.

If you want to live aloha and pono, feel connected at all times, and build that unshakeable Hawaiian Spiritual Foundation, then you've come to the right place.


The Hoʻoponopono Course is a 10-day live online course where we’ll go from feeling overwhelmed and insecure regarding spirituality to having a firm foundation of Hawaiian Spirituality and knowledge of the traditional Hawaiian process of healing and restoring balance within a family, an individual, and in a situation.

For practitioners of (Hawaiian) Bodywork, Hula and anyone who wants to dive deep into Hawaiian Spirituality

Yes, I want this!

You will discover how to…

Live a life of Aloha & Pono

You'll learn the deep and traditional knowledge of what aloha, pono, and Hoʻoponopono is as a way of life. You gain a different perspective because of a deeper understanding of universal truths.

Honor through protocol

You’ll learn the right protocols for engaging with people in Hawai’i, in a business setting, and (very important) in healing.

Connect with your culture

You will feel like you've come home. You will recognize and honor your ancestors wherever you are.

Connect spiritually

You will know how to maintain a relationship with your ancestors and Higher Being as well as strengthen your intuition so you feel guided at all times. You learn the relationship between mind, body, and spirit.

Improve the quality of your life

You remember your responsibility in your life. You know that happiness is very important to be able to be pono.

Find balance

You’ll recognize what is out of balance and you know the process of bringing it back to its rightful place.

1000s of years of ancestral Hawaiian intelligence

Your time for doubting your healing abilities and spiritual confusion has come to pass, the world needs you.

This knowledge of Hoʻoponopono is essential because it contains 1000s of years of ancestral intelligence on how to live a life of happiness. Tried and tested by our ancestors with the purpose of guarding the light within on a personal level and to find alternatives to war and death on a political level. It will introduce a person to a new way of leadership based on Hawaiian indigenous culture where one naturally focuses on balance in their life by applying the teachings.

After you've cemented your own Spiritual foundation, you will be ready to assist people to be happy, be pono, and find balance themselves. Our message of aloha and pono with healing power embedded within is vital in helping the people and families who are spiritually, mentally, and physically stressed, reconnect with their roots.

Here is the breakdown

Module 1 

Building your Hawaiian Spiritual Foundation

  • You'll learn all the layers and levels to build a firm and unshakeable foundation (Paʻa).
  • The true meaning of Aloha, Pono, Paʻa, Mana, Pō, Aʻo, ʻUhane, Akua (Higher Being), Pule (Prayer), ʻOiaʻiʻo (Truth), the mutual relationship between these realms, and how to relate to them yourselves.
  • Story of the Bowl of Light
  • ‘Ohana (family)
  • Introduction of Hoʻoponopono

Module 2 

Teachings of Hoʻoponopono

  • Process of Hoʻoponopono
  • Ground rules
  • Attributes of a Luna Hoʻoponopono
  • Experiences and Examples of Ho’oponopono Sessions

Module 3

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Module 4

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What you'll get:


✨ Live Teachings Sessions:

25-hours of live online sessions with Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki. Taught in two one-week modules of 5x live online meetings of 2,5 hours. You can ask your questions too in these sessions

✨ Unlimited Access: 

Watch the Hoʻoponopono Course on your device or computer again and again as new insights emerge

✨ Observe a Hoʻoponopono Session:

Experience a live online Hoʻoponopono session (tentative)

✨ Recommended Reading list:

A list of recommended books by Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki on Hoʻoponopono and Hawaiian Culture & Spirituality for deepening your practice

✨ Access to Future Hoʻoponopono Courses at a Small Service Fee

As an alumnus, youʻre welcome to join all future Hoʻoponopono Courses for the small service fee of USD $50 to deepen your understanding as new layers and levels reveal themselves to you

Module 6

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Module 5

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What you don’t learn

We donʻt teach the mantra of four sentences or a similar new-age technique. The Hoʻoponopono process we share is the true traditional healing process and perpetuated within our school lineage for over 50 generations from the island of Molokai.

Plus you get these Bonuses

Bonus 1 

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Bonus 2

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Bonus 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Yes, I want this!

Meet Kumu Lawrence

Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki is the 50th generation of Traditional Hawaiian Teachings from the valley of Halawa, Molokai.

His great-grandfather Paʻahao Nahoopii gave him the name “Kamani” when he was born, with the foresight he would later provide shade and protection for those in need of comfort and healing.

His full-blooded Hawaiian grandmother Kawailani Nahoopii-Mollena chose Lawrence as one of her punahele (the chosen ones) at age 3.5 and started educating him in the family practice of hoʻoponopono. His great-aunts and -uncles involved the boy Lawrence whenever hoʻoponopono was needed within the family so he could observe and learn.

From age 9.5 his blood-uncle ʻAnakala Pilipo Solatorio took Lawrence as his student and taught him the true essence of aloha and pono. In 1992 Lawrence did ‘ūniki (graduation) and became a Kumu Paʻa, teacher of Foundation, after being a student of 27 years at his Uncle’s acclaimed traditional school Nā Mea Kāne Hula ʻO Molokai.

More than 95 students have graduated in Hoʻoponopono with Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki in the past 9 years. All students were taught the foundation of Hawaiian Spirituality (Paʻa) on a spiritual, mental, and physical level and the process of Hoʻoponopono, so they can live aloha, -have that unconditional love- and pono, live righteously.

Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki has helped literally hundreds of people in and outside of Hawaiʻi through individual - and family hoʻoponopono sessions.

Here’s Why You'll Love This:

Reason 1

You'll learn from a respected Kanaka Maoli Kupuna (Indigenous Hawaiian elder) coming from 50 generations of Traditional Hawaiian Teachings and is willing to teach you.

Reason 2

You can watch the replays of the course in your own time (like when your babies are asleep) on both your computer or on the app.

Reason 3

When you've done the Hoʻoponopono course, you can redo the course as often as the course is taught (for a small fee).

Reason 4

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This Is For

  • Kanaka Maoli who want to learn the ʻike of their ancestors
  • practitioners of Hawaiian Bodywork (lomilomi) and other healing modalities
  • Hula dancers
  • all those who want to deepen their knowledge of the Hawaiian Culture and Spirituality

This Is Not For:

  • those who are looking for a quick fix
  • don’t want to do the work
  • want to earn money fast or have other dishonest intentions

Cecilia R., NC. Hula dancer and teacher

“What I liked best about the course was to learn the real, traditional methods of hoʻoponopono as opposed to the new age version that I have read about.”

Jo R., Norfolk Island

“The teachings are so profound and resonate so deeply and because of that, it makes you want to adjust and shift what you can, in your own life, to make space for the teachings so they become part of your life and part of who you are, part of what you do. So much has changed, my awareness has changed, I am more careful with my words. I feel happier, more content, more at peace.”

Aranda E., Switzerland. Lomilomi practitioner

“There was very good communication between everyone. It was a safe, trusting atmosphere. I really liked to learn the structure of what a Hoʻoponopono session is, what the background is, how it works. I also think it's very good that I have the opportunity to watch it again. Also because my English is not so perfect and I sometimes have to hear it several times before I understand it.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What They Say About You

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Featured In

Induce Scarcity Or Urgency

I only do my hoʻoponopono Course twice a year, so if you want in, now’s the time.

Your Guarantee, Refund, And Return Policies

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Yes, I want this!

Hoʻoponopono Course

where you’ll learn a traditional Hawaiian process of healing and restoring balance within a family, an individual, and in a situation.

Itʻs an in-depth course to build your Hawaiian Spiritual foundation from a lineage of 50 generations, so you can live aloha and pono. 

“Hoʻoponopono has huge purpose, huge knowledge and huge understanding of where we should be instead of where we are.”  

~ Kumu Paʻa Nui Lawrence Aki


How to attend the course

Yes, you've decided you deserve a life of balance.

Maikaʻi! Here’s how to get started.


Step 0. Have questions? Email us here

Step 1. Click below to enroll in the Hoʻoponopono Course

Step 2. Create a login for your account and gain instant access to the course where the class information awaits you

Step 3. Free up your calendar to be present at the course

Step 4. Build your Hawaiian Spiritual Foundation and live with Aloha and Pono


Just letting you know

I only do my Hoʻoponopono Course twice a year, so if you want in, now’s the time.

Maleko P., Canada

“Being in Papa Class [First part of the Hoʻoponopono Course] is like a cleansing process. It helps me look at the world from a different perspective and it motivates me to seek improvement not only in the way I act like a human being but also in the way I interact with my fellow human beings. It also helped me better understand how valuable traditional Hawaiian teachings are.”

Rowena K., Canada

"I don’t think I could ask for anything more to create a better experience. The amount of support we received from Kumu Pa’a Lawrence and Kumu Pa’a Kyrian was great. Everything was well organized. The recordings are helpful to review. The group of participants was great. I learned so much from their insights and questions. Mahalo for creating a safe space for us to come together, to learn, and to grow. Mahalo as well to Kumu Pa’a Lawrence’s ancestors for their wisdom."

Multiple Payment

3 payments of $400

Top features

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One Payment Of $1200

With this program you'll get:
  • 25-hours of live online teachings with Kumu Paʻa Lawrence Aki. Taught in two one-week modules of 5x live online meetings of 2,5 hours
  • Replays of all the meetings
  • Experience a live online Hoʻoponopono session (tentative)
  • List of Recommended books on Hoʻoponopono and  Hawaiian Culture & Spirituality
  • Access to Future Hoʻoponopono Courses at a Small Service Fee
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